Tag: COVID-19

COVID 19 Chronicles: Part 2 / Keep Them Close

Me and Mom - Roseville 2019
Me and my mom in her home in Roseville last year. She hates this photo, but I like it.

They say when it rains, it pours.  That expression didn’t pop up in my head on its own – I was venting to my gal pal and Zumba buddy Ashley (check her out by the way, she’s awesome) about all the happenings of the past week and she replied with that expression.  She may have used an expletive as well.

 And honestly, it was f*cking perfect.  See what I did there? 

If 2020 wasn’t enough of a crap fest already in the first quarter with an NBA legend passing and Australian wildfires, of course a worldwide pandemic would be the perfect cherry on top.  The pandemic was/is creating problems on a large scale, no doubt; but within our homes it is creating its own set of different challenges that all of us unfortunately have to deal with.  Whether it is suddenly finding ourselves unemployed, isolated and alone, trapped in a house with a bad case of cabin fever, getting on each others’ nerves for those of us who live with other folks or worse – seriously ill as a result of the virus itself… to say that times are rough is an understatement for many. 

I’m fortunate enough to say that my problems I suppose seem trivial next to the struggles of others.  However, this week I was presented with two news items, neither of which were pleasant. 

My mom’s aunt was terminally ill in the Philippines, and while I had known that for several days, I wasn’t expecting her to pass so quickly.  The day she had passed, my sister attempted to call my mom to get updates.  My mom, who isn’t the best at picking up the phone to begin with didn’t pick up.  I told my sister that it was highly likely my mom was already on the phone speaking with her siblings and other relatives about the passing.

To my shock and horror, it turns out my mom had slipped in the bathroom and was in excruciating pain. 

Just to give some context, my parents moved to Roseville over a year ago (something that I still haven’t come to grips with fully) and their plan was to have my dad work in the Bay Area for a few more years and settle in Roseville once he is retired.  In the meantime, he’d drive up on the weekends to be with my mom.  My first reaction when they decided to move was entirely selfish on my end.  I didn’t want them to move because I wanted them here.  Because I needed them here.  Despite the fact that I I’d visit once or twice a week at best – just the idea of knowing that I could visit at a moment’s notice and eat lunch with my mom and dad was a comforting one.  My second reaction was fear.  What if she were alone during the weekdays and something horrible happened?  I always worry about my parents’ health – my mom more so.

… So she broke her hip and was in pain.  One good thing about this pandemic (there’s something that I’m sure you don’t hear too much of) is my dad was off work and at home with her.  She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and admitted immediately.  My dad was unable to go with her due to the COVID-19 restrictions.  It was extremely scary being here in Campbell and unable to do anything.  She had to undergo hip surgery and they inserted a metal disk.

And she had to go through it alone. 

My dad was awesome and sent us updates periodically throughout the night as he’d get them.  My siblings also were proactive with trying to figure out solutions for her recovery.  I facetimed her a few times – she’s still in the hospital and is in pain but at least she is alive and will be on the road to recovery soon.  Thank god!

If that wasn’t enough, my brother dropped this bombshell that his wife (my sister in-law) found a cancerous tumor in her colon.  She will be admitted for surgery to extract it today.  I am praying that once it is removed that it will be the end of it.  She is the mother of one of my two nephews born a week apart – the other nephew being from my sister, Athena.  We need her alive and well to guide him.  She too, will be alone in the hospital due to COVID-19.

So where am I going with this?  I wish I knew.  This is what is in my head at the moment. 

My take away is that I love my family.  I’ve always known that.  Likewise, I know it’s the same for many of you.  Sometimes it’s easy to forget in our day to day lives that nothing is permanent.  Things can change in the blink of an eye.  A home can be sold, a job lost – even worse, a loved one can pass (rest in peace, Auntie Flor).

During this pandemic lock down, I hope those of you who are fortunate enough to have a loved one living with you spend time loving them harder (interpret that however way you want… I can already imagine the giggles from some of you).

This also isn’t exclusive to a significant other.  If you have kids, enjoy the moment.  They may drive you crazy when you’re trying to work remote or when you’re trying to decompress, but you are their everything.  If you live alone, I hope you find the time to face time or have great phone calls with loved ones. 

Last night, Jey was sleeping freakishly close to me.  Normally, we sleep pretty far apart – we both need that space and overheat quickly.  But last night I think he subconsciously just needed me to be close, or perhaps he sensed I needed it.  Either way, I’m glad he was there.

Much love to you all!  Stay healthy, and take care of yourselves.


COVID 19 Chronicles: Part 1 / Easter

COVID-19 Project - Garage gym!
My garage upgrade – call it my COVID-19 project.

So now that we are in week 4 of social distancing in California, I figured now would be a good time to write about it.  Four weeks ago, I was writing on Facebook about how it is ridiculous that we are not out of school if not for the safety of our students, then definitely for the safety and well being of our older staff as well as those of us who live with older folks. 

At the time, opinions were all over the place – with some still comparing the virus to the flu, some thinking we did not need to be out of school, some thinking it was Dooms Day… it was actually pretty stressful if not annoying being on social media.  I can’t really fault the nay-sayers, because I was amongst them initially. However, I also like to stay informed and constantly read and watch the news and I am very fortunate to have family who are the same, and will constantly update me. (Love you guys, by the way.) As it became more and more clear what a danger this virus was, I became increasingly more vocal about it.

… But let’s not lose focus. 🙂

Here we are in our fourth week, and not only has California shut down all schools for the remainder of the school year, but all non-essential jobs have been ordered to work from home or shut down entirely (my own included).  The general consensus is that comparing this virus to the flu is silly.  We as Californians are all (well, most of us are) practicing social distancing and limiting leaving the home.  People are dying – Italy and China obviously were hit hard and most countries are on some form of lock down. The concept of “flattening the curve” is pretty well understood by most (keyword there is most, unfortunately).  News is continually changing by the day, if not the hour.

… And people are still spreading old articles or false information on Facebook.  Lol – that part I suppose will never change.

Notably it is Easter Sunday today, and I would like to share a few thoughts.  I’d like to start with some things that made me sad.  Don’t worry though, I will end with things that made me happy and thankful.

Sad list:

  • School year ending abruptly – Being unable to properly end the year with my high school students, especially the freshmen and the seniors. 
  • All of my gyms closing – The gyms have become a big part of my life and I have made some great friends in my students.  It immediately felt strange knowing that I wouldn’t be dancing around for 1-2 hours almost every day.
  • Social Life – Not being able to see my immediate family and friends for gatherings and random visits.

Happy list:

  • Online E-Learning – When things go south unexpectedly, it forces you to take leaps you didn’t think you would ever need to do because now we have no choice.  Teachers being forced to stay home allowed us the opportunity to learn how to connect digitally to continue teaching whether through Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facebook/Youtube Live, 8×8, Twitch and whatever else.  These formats enable me to connect with both my high school students as well as gym students.
  • Social Media – Social media is definitely a double edged sword and there is as much bad as there is good there.  However, for pandemic life – I say the good outweighs the bad.  Imagine for a second if we were locked down the way we are now but in a pre-Facebook, pre high speed internet time and all non essential businesses like Blockbuster were forced to close – we’d be really bored and 10x lonelier. Thanks for social media we are allowed to engage with people and feel connected.  I am happy being caught up to date with everyone in my network through the various social media platforms and also laughing at all the memes people come up with.
  • Reconnecting with MYSELF – Something that I figured out very early into the social distancing order is that I was never home pre-pandemic.  A typical Monday for me would be starting the day at 5:30AM, teach high school until 2PM, arrive home, take a nap, take care of Ouchii stuff, and then head to Crunch Fitness for 1 hour of Zumba and then change and get ready for the next 1 hour class at 24 Hour Fitness Crane. 

    My being a people person in all facets of my life including my 3 careers – I always put others’ needs before my own. Having my schedule suddenly cleared allowed me time to ask myself, “Hey, what do I want to do?  Or what do I need to do for myself?” which is something I forgot is so important to do.  I came up with the following:
    • Exercising – I am able to push my limits and try new exercises that I wouldn’t have to time to do before with the abundance of Zumba I was doing.  More Les Mills Body Pump!  More learning STRONG choreography.  More body weight exercises!  Of course learning some Zumba stuff as well.
    • “Diet” – Having the time to cook and see what goes into my food and trying to track macros better is a lot easier when I’m not on the road driving all over town.  I’ve made strides so much faster, and still eating like a whale. 
    • Decluttering – Reorganizing the apartment little by little and throwing out unneeded things.  First thing up was turning my garage into a space that allows me to exercise and hang out in.  (I’m typing this blog from there right now, as a matter of fact.)  I cleaned up my desk upstairs and we cleared out our kitchen.
    • Ouchii – Reconfiguring the business and planning the next stages.
    • Wedding – Figuring out the logistics of how this wedding will happen on August 8 when we are on a tight schedule.
    • Sleep – Catching up on sleep as much as possible.
    • Upping my Social Media Game – I’ve spent a considerable amount of time learning different tools to promote my endeavors.

The pandemic is obviously a terrible thing, and I do not want to take away from the myriad of problems that faces our daily lives but in the spirit of Easter, I’ve found that taking a minute to think about everything that I am thankful for really does bring some clarity and peace of mind. 

Happy Easter, friends and family!