When I was in high school, I kept journals and scrapbooked regularly. Contained in those beat-up cringeworthy notebooks are memories that helped shape my teenage years: the ups and downs of my friendships, the first moments where I thought I knew what love was, the dynamics of my family, major events and of course what I perceived to be important at the time.
I suddenly stopped writing once I wrapped up college and from the age of 22 (I just turned 33). Social media, of course played a huge role in that. The sudden ability to share events and opinions easily within seconds made the need to put pen down to paper obsolete as I was learning to navigate being an adult. Of course over the 11 years there have been major changes and milestones (for better or for worse) in my life and I hadn’t written one word. Well, anything of substance anyway.
As I sit here on summer vacation, I’ve come to realize that there is a lot that will happen over the next year in my life, and in my family and I want to document everything along the way.
So this is my blog. It’s public. I will share my life and multiple projects here, share advice, funny stories, fitness tips and whatever else comes into mind. I don’t know if people will read it, but I will find comfort in knowing that it is here for me to read, always.
Can’t wait to read about your past and present adventures
Thanks girl! I miss McKee, and I miss you!!
Blog away!!

That’s the plan!